I meant to post these pics ages ago, but never got round to it. I posted the shed being built, so it's time I showed the inside. I have to say that it's not as tidy as it was in these pics now, especially as I've added a Cricut, more cutters and score boards, and lots of other bits and pieces since.
Most of the furniture is recycled. The 2 main desks were bought on ebay , one was 99p and the other £4, and they are both so solid. The desks with the plastic trays in were given to me by my son's school, so I just had to buy the trays. The large bookcase was from a closing down sale at £17. The daylight lamp was also a bargain from ebay at £10, as was the grey metal cabinet on the desk. Some of the storage is from Ikea. The jars storing the flowers were £1 each from Tescos. The cooler/heater and de-humidifier were both in sales. The only thing that was full price was the chair.
I love my little shed, and best of all knowing where everything is without having to go through piles of stuff to find what you want. I still need to find a good way of organising all my clear stamps and nesties though. I don't think the walls are going to stay clear for too much longer either, I think I need a few more shelves!
Yarn Drop July 2024
6 months ago
Looks fab! I think I might have to get a craft workshop out the back when I have kids as I will loose my craft room! Trouble is i'll lose most of my garden! lol
Lou x
What a fabulous space and soooo tidy too.
Oooooh Julie it looks very nice, and sooooo tidy..... lol. It's great having your own bit of space for crafting isn't it.
Fabulous Julie, Love the cupboards with the trays. It looks so tidy compared to my space. You're a lucky girl. Hugs Suzi x
wow hun would love to come and rumage through all your craft stuff wonderful pictures hugs cheryl x
I love your space, so organised. love michaela xx
wow it looks fantastic Julie
What a fab workspace, Julie!!!! Love it and I'd love to rake around on those shelves. I'm sooooo jealous.x
What a great place to be able to tuck yourself away :o) The desks are amazing, especially the curved edge one, can't believe what bargains you got there, well done ! I also love the jars you have your flowers in. Thanks for sharing xx
It is looking really good Julie. Great that your son's school gave you the storage unit, I had these type in my classroom when I was teaching and thought that they would be ideal for storing stash, but alas, the janny would have spotted me going out with one tucked under my arm or up my jumper. lol lol Hope you are keeping well these days xx
Wow, WOW, WOW!!!! I'm so deeply impressed (and so deeply jealous...har har!). How can you bear to leave all that crafty gorgeousness. I don't see a bed in there. Have you got a sleeping bag tucked away in a drawer because I'd been living there permanently if that was me.... Lauren x
Great use of space. So tidy too. I was wondereing what the i assume is a revolving tiered container of sorts is on you desk? Soniaxxx
Have shown pictures to Reuben so my stash no longer seems quite so bad to him...It's fab Julie and I'm sure you will put it to great use!!!Cheers Claire x
How long will it stay that tidy, it is fabulous
Ruth x
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